Who We Are
Somebody to tell them that they, Too, Can Dream.
Service to humanity is Service to God. The seeds of charity had its origin way back early 70’s when Founder, as a child himself, had experienced the plight of the underprivileged children, women and the poor in the villages. It all started with small deeds of motivation where he found that the aspiration of the underprivileged could be effectively nurtured through proper guidance and motivation. He joined the Government service and served for over 35 years. But, after retirement it’s time for him to give back to the society.
‘Topseeds Foundation’ is a charitable trust founded by Mr. M. Ponnuswamy, a retired Indian Revenue Service officer, to promote the welfare of the underprivileged Students, women & the poor. It sets its sights on helping underprivileged to achieve excellence through education, skill development, motivation & career guidance.
The Topseeds foundation is managed by a team of well educated trustees and advisors who are committed to the cause of the foundation.
Our Vision
To become the beacon of hope for the less fortunate among us and their dreams of living life to its fullest right within the mainstream society.
Our Mission
To empower the underprivileged children, women, and the poor by serving the well-being of their mind, body, and soul through education and skills development.
Our Values
Values are what drives us. Beating hearts, with a soul full of passion, driven by love makes humanity worth fighting for. And to that extent, we build TopSeeds on the following values.
We are on the lookout for bold individuals, consistent and true to the highest virtues of goodness. Integrity is a thing of the mind.
Determination and responsibility are the two sides of the empowerment coin. They are things of the character that we are keen to inculcate at TopSeeds.
In essence, compassion is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. It is to look beyond your pain to see the hurting stranger, for Compassion is a characteristic of the heart.
Together, we stand — divided, we fall. Together, we grow — divided, we groan. Together, we all have something — so ‘divided’ is simply not an option.
Equality is a thing to be desired — by one, by all. But our focus is to lift up the unfortunate and place them in positions where all they need to do is to trust in their own wings.
How Can You Help?
Your donation will help us save and improve lives with research, education and emergency care.